Wednesday, July 4, 2007

My Future Self

Note: I know there are a few people who read this blog, but those who casually read this I'd appreciate comments on how you go about accomplishing goals and such

I was reading an interesting post written by Sinn that my friend pointed out in his blog. This post speaks volumes to the struggles of many not only in PU, but more generally as human beings we experience everyday.

One of the biggest puzzles we face as humans, in my estimation, is our constant want for better things, for positive change, yet we are indecisive, slow, and hesitant when it comes to implementing such changes. Sure, in part it is due to a lack of a concrete goal, or steps that it takes to achieve said goal, however, I believe the main problem is our expectancy of "instant gratification" and our overall resistance to change.

Funny thing is today I read a post that says you shouldn't push yourself to the point you feel internal resistance to the change. I am still debating that concept, and I may develop that thought further in another post.

This post, however, is my vision for myself down the road. A changed and bettered self. First, I will start with the obvious, women. I see myself being able to approach women in any setting, be it at a cafe or a nightclub, obvious right? Moreover, I see myself not being phased by the presence of a hot woman, and being able to be completely relaxed (no matter how hard I try, I am still a bit "nervous"). Most importantly, and I think I can already do this, I will not require a woman to be happy, nor will I let her be the center of my existence. To translate this in a tangible goal, during my 20's I want to experience many women and meet women wherever I go so as to enhance my life.

The next one goal is something that has become a goal just recently. In reality it is a combination of two. That is, I will be able to defend myself (physically) and be physically fit/healthy. I value physical health very highly, and now more than ever I value being able to defend myself in real-world situations very much. Being a traveler, I have seen many things, and have been fortunate to avoid them. However, I know that I may not always be able to avoid confrontations. Plus, I'd like to make a Martial art or combat sport my main hobby.

Finally, I will travel and experience many different things. I have already started an unofficial list of things I want to see/do. Off the top of my head the list includes: Carneval in Brazil and Venice, Palio di Siena, and St. Patty's day in Ireland. I want to be in a situation where I can get up, and travel whenever I want. I value traveling so much, I can't even really explain it. The thrill I get from going to a new place, especially with friends, and the unknown excitement that awaits is something I can, and may, write a post about. In fact, I think it is my love of traveling that has got me into this PU stuff. I want to be socially witty, and at ease so that wherever I go I can make instant friends and thoroughly enjoy myself!

P.S. I was gonna write about how I was going to pursue these goals, but I will write that in the next post.


DDD said...

I find your desire to improve yourself and your sense of adventure very sexy. You have to stop doing that in your blog. Now I have to go rub one out before I can go to sleep!

Possibility said...

Time for that next post I think! I've been expanding on some thoughts of how our mind may be our enemy that your points on instant gratification and slow development of positive change touch on. It looks like you're rehearsing success however so it becomes more real to you every day.
Stay tuned for more at!