Monday, July 9, 2007

The confidence flows

This post is not about PU or its dynamics, but rather a personal development in my quotidian life. These have not been earth-shattering, large-scale changes, they are the beginning. Little by little I feel things inside me change, and these small changes are manifesting themselves more each day. I read once that to divert a stream you must do it a little at a time, at first you get splashed, but slowly you getting more and more to trickle to where you want.

I would like to post some examples here, but it is too difficult to put into words such serene subtlety. How can I explain months of conscious/unconscious shifting of my mindset and my perception of the world, which are not starting to show up in my daily life. To do so properly, I'd have to practically give you my biography of the past year!

What I can convey unto you is this: it's possible, and down-right certain if you believe it. It's almost zen-like in a way, you simultaneously push for it, and also sit back and let it come. I remember when I was younger everyone telling me no one can change. I remember asking my mom why people said that, and she replied "Because they don't want it". At the time I didn't understand, yet now I understand how truly insightful and wise that comment was.

What am I saying with all of this? If you're truly open to change, and are ready to pursue it it'll come. When and how? I don't know. To draw an analogy, one can drive from New York to Las Vegas with his headlights on (assuming it was always dark) and only seeing 200 ft ahead of him. Just because he can't see the destination doesn't mean he isn't getting there.


DDD said...

And yet, deep down, you have the same yearning, the indescribable desire, the ceaseless craving... for the *COCK*

I agree that I have noticed that you have change. You don't focus on the basic building block, but the bigger picture. But you gotta promise me, never ever not have fun. Or you will "peter out."

micawber said...

Hahahaha! I love your humor, it lightens the mood and instructs!