Sunday, July 1, 2007

Long time no post

I have written in awhile because I feel that I have nothing new to write about. It seemed that after awhile my posts got a bit redundant, but then I realized it is because that is what has been occupying my mind so much! Last night I went out and had a blast. To sum it up, it was fucking crazy. That is the experiences I want to have every night, I want it to be just wild and extremely fun. How does one go about having a great time like this? Well, I mean we could be logical (I find it funny using the word logical whenever I talk about this stuff) it would entail being extremely social, in the moment, and worry-free.

However, I think that trying to quantify and break it down destroys its very essence and makes one's experience less fun. It is like in Quantum Mechanics, once you observe/study/measure something, you forever destroy its information. What am I trying to say? Just go with the flow baby! The point is to have this stuff be second nature. Everyone enjoys eating, yet do you breakdown its steps? Not anymore I'd hope. Once you've reached a point where you believe you have a 'logical' understanding, just let go!

There isn't much substance, or MPUA++ 4000 type of tactical/strategical information (I still laugh to think that this new guy I went out with asked me where the best place was to sit in a bar for sets, hahaha). Anyways, I guess what it comes down to are the three points Tyler mentioned in his blog over here. Sometimes I reflect on how serious I have taken myself, and it makes me laugh out loud, literally. I doubt the Romans thought about their body language
during the Lupercalia festival, so neither should you!


DDD said...

yes and no. some ppl do need some pointers, however, most guys in the community are jerkoffs who don't do shit. remind me how i got a guy i met out "in field" to amog out the no-hair needy dude who calls himself the lair president :)

Possibility said...

I like everything but second nature. Why shouldn't it be your first? Your mentality rocks and I don't like it. You're undoubtedly on the threshold of enlightenment and then you'll stop posting, and what will I do then???

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